Mary Poppins Production

I am sure that I am the proudest principal in New Zealand! I am in awe of the talent at this school; the students and staff of Howick Intermediate who have presented two amazing sold out nights of Mary Poppins. The performances were outstanding and we have received many, many positive reviews. The show has been a credit to our incredible team at Howick
These performances have been an authentic opportunity to showcase Howick Intermediate's broad, rich, local curriculum. We have made connections with several groups and businesses, as well as giving many students a chance to shine.
Special thanks must go to:
Directors: Tess Wiltenburg and Robert Raynes
Prop Master: Natalie Sutton
Costume Designers: Chia Mhawish and Jessica Friend
Assistant to the directors: Michelle Hewlett
Set Designer: Amanda Wolken
A.V: Ryan Kwok
Backstage Managers, Lisa Macmillan and Tayla Mansell
Make up: Cammy Leung and Chia Mhawish
Several families and Whānau of our school also supported: Peter Angell, James Harrison, Chris Wolken, and former pupils Blake Elliot and Sebastian Johnson
The production would not have been possible without these talented people.


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